The Registration Fee paid to Ridgewood Athletics Centre includes an Insurance Levy for Accidents, Injury and Public Liability. The Insurance is taken out on behalf of all Centres by Athletics West and Athletics Australia and provides cover for registered Athletes, Coaches, Officials and Parent Helpers in an official capacity, either at official Club Training or at Competition Meets.
In order to be covered, certain Conditions must be met.
In the case of an Accident, Injury Claim or potential Claim, the appropriate form must be completed and submitted to the Centre Secretary without delay.
Insurance Claim Forms are available from the Centre Secretary, Arena Manager or Centre First Aid Officer.
Insurance Claim Forms are available from the Centre Secretary, Arena Manager or Centre First Aid Officer.
NO unregistered Athletes can Train or Compete at Club Venues or Ridgewood Oval.
It will be stressed that all Officials, Parents and Athletes must be aware of the following:
- Insurance Cover requirements before taking part in Little Athletics activities
- Ridgewood AC Safety requirements put in place for Training and Competition Meets
For further details, you should contact either the Centre Secretary or Athletics West Office.